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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

World Traveller Magazine Focuses On Sri Lanka In Its “TOP 10 Project” In April 2013

World Traveller Media is a multiple travel media that incorporates World Traveller Magazine, World Traveller TV programmes, World Traveller iphone and Android Apps, World Traveller website and Members’ Club and had been founded in 2000. 
The feature on Sri Lanka is spread over 60 pages out of 208 pages. Out of 593600 copies printed, in Shanghai alone 120,000 copies are distributed with 68,000 through subscription, 35,000 distributed to public places such as libraries. Estimated readership are in the age group of 28 to 40 yrs. 
It features Southern half of Sri Lanka, covering Kandy, Nuwara Eliya and Galle Areas. It recommends a travel route, top 10 of must go places, must buy items, must eat food, spices, must do things, restaurants, hotels, etc.

The publication is a result of a tour made by a team from World Traveller Media Group in December 2012 to Sri Lanka which was arranged by the Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Shanghai as well as provided  guidance and support material. Local arrangements were handled by Olanka Travels and gratis air tickets provided by SriLankan Air.
In addition, the Media Group will run two, 50-minute episodes in 20 domestic channels, including Shanghai Documentary Channel, China Education Television station and channels, in Nanjing, Harbin, Wuhan, Fujian, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Sichuan & Liaoning. (broadcasted in the evenings of Saturdays and Sundays); the views of the programmes are usually older than the magazine readers with a coverage over 20 million viewers, twice.
They have also uploaded "Travel Guide" App in both for Apple system (including iPhone, iPod touch, iPad) and ANDROID system of which the target group usually younger people than the magazine readers. Estimated coverage 200,000 viewers. The travel guide is also available on the web at

When considering the cost for the Sri Lankan side was less that RMB 100,000 where as the publicity value estimated by the company exceeds RMB 27 million.
Overall, the output covers all age groups who are seeking new places to travel for through different media reaching over 20 million people. 

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