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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Sequence of Kandy Esela Perahara

The Sequence of Kandy Esela Perahara

The procession is as follows:

1. The King’s elephants with gajanayake.

2. Gingals with Kodituwakku Lekam.

3. The people of the Four Korales, Disavane, carrying gingals, muskets and flags with the disava and petty chiefs of that Disavane.

4. The people of the Seven Korales.

5. These of Uva.

6. Of Matale.

7. Of Sabaragamuwa.

8. Of Valapane.

9. Of Udapalatha.

10. The bamboos or images representing devils covered with cloths.

11. The elephant of the Maligawa bearing the shrine followed by other elephants and the people of the Maligawa who precede the Diyavadana Nilame and Nanayakkara Lekam With umbrellas, talipat, flags, fans, shields, tom-toms, drums, flutes, etc. accompanied by dancers.

12. The elephant of the Natha Devale bearing the bow and arrow of the God, attended by the women of the temple, and followed by the Basnayake Nilame with the same pomp of attendants as the former.

13. The elephants, bow and arrows, and people of the maha Vishnu Devala.

14. Of the Katharagama Devala.

15. Of the Pattini Devala.

16. the people of the Maha Lekam Departments carrying muskets and flags and proceeding their chiefs.
17. The people of the Atapattu department, similarly equipped, followed by the Atapattu Lekam, and the Ratemahatmayas of Udunuwara, yatinuwara, Tumpane, Harispattu, Dumbara, Hewaheta.

18. The people of Vedikkara Department, followed by their Lekam.

19. The people of the Vadanatuvakku department with their Lekam.

20. The people of the Padikara department and their Lekam.
The procession was very grand.
Source Sunday Island

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